Jobs in Tutoring

Jobs in tutoring can be found locally, through an agency, online, or by distance education (correspondence). Local tutoring jobs are done in person; basically you become someone's personal tutor. Many cities have tutoring agencies where tutors provide homework help to students under the umbrella of the agency. The agency takes care of advertising, paying you, teaching you how to become a tutor online and securing clients. Online tutors usually tutor through email, webcam, and over the phone. Distance education tutors are hired through distance education or online universities. The tutors are assigned to tutor students who are taking distance education classes from that educational institution.

Those are the most common jobs in tutoring that a person can obtain. To go into a little more detail about each one, a personal tutor is generally self-employed. With this comes many advantages, including great flexibility in deciding how many hours you want to work each week, designing your own schedule, setting your own rate, and being picky about who you take on as tutoring clients. You can tutor in your own home, which cuts down on commuting time and costs, you can tutor in your student's house if that is easier, or you can reserve a study room in your public library or the College in your city. You will be responsible for collecting your own tutoring fees from your clients. You can decide if you want to be paid per session, on a weekly basis, or by the hour.

Jobs in tutoring which go through an agency have their own unique benefits. If you have an agency in your city which provides homework help to students, you can contact them and find out the qualifications for application to become a tutor there. You may enjoy a little less flexibility than when you are a personal tutor, but the advantage is that they take care of the advertising. They may set your wages for you, but they will pay you and you won't have to collect from each student. They may have resources available to you to assist you in your tutoring. That can be very beneficial. They provide the location of tutoring as well, so you don't have to use your own house if that does not work well for you. Most of your tutoring students will be attending regular school throughout the school day, so you will probably be working evenings only.

Jobs in tutoring that are online provide the most benefits of flexibility. Because you could potentially be tutoring students from any time zone, you have a better chance of finding tutoring hours during the day if you don't care to do tutoring in the evenings. Online tutoring does require access to a computer and internet connection, sometimes a webcam, and sometimes a phone line. Some jobs in tutoring that are online are done strictly by email or instant messaging. If you do some searching on the internet you should be able to find many, many online tutoring jobs to choose from. The flexibility is the best for this type of tutoring. You never leave the comfort of your own home. There's no time wasted in driving anywhere, and no commuting expense.

Finding jobs in tutoring through distance education requires that you have already taken the course you want to tutor, and can demonstrate a proficiency in that course. That is the same with tutoring for your College or University. If you are a recent graduate with a high gpa and you got high grades in the course you wish to tutor, they may hire you to help other struggling students.

A distance education program requires many tutors to help their many students who could be located all over the world. The tutors have to set regular hours where they are available to be phoned or emailed by the students so that the students can receive assistance. Also, tutors are often required to help in marking assignments, labs that are handed in, and other duties as required by the supervisors for each subject area.

Jobs in tutoring are plenty and fairly easy to secure. You do not require a teaching certificate, but you do need to demonstrate proficiency in your chosen subject or skill area. Tutoring is a great home business to start up, requiring little to no overhead expense. Tutors make a good income, whether you choose part-time tutoring or full-time tutoring. Start tutoring today and you can start earning money and helping someone out at the same time.